Long Story Short

My weekly 5-minute newsletter. It’s everything I know about telling meaningful, impactful stories.

Michael McRay Michael McRay

3 Stories to Tell in Change Management

In times of change, people need to know what exactly is changing, what will stay the same, and how will we navigate it all. Effective change management will address each—ideally, with an unforgettable story.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

4 Mistakes Leaders Make Telling Stories: What’s the Point?

There are many, many ways to tell any one story. You could start or end the story in different places each time. You could emphasize certain details over others. You could expand or contract the story. And all these choices depend on one question: What’s the point?

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

4 Mistakes Leaders Make Telling Stories: No Vulnerability

I was coaching a musician on his “About Me” story, when I suggested he work in some vulnerability to stimulate connection. He looked at me with a bit of sadness and confusion and said, “I don’t want to talk about my challenges. I don’t want people seeing that this has been difficult for me. I don’t think that’s a good look.”

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

How a Stranger Changed the Course of My Life

When I moved to Belfast ten years ago, I didn’t know a soul. But a friendly Irish stranger offered to pick me up from the airport when I arrived. That meeting changed the course of my life.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

The Features of a Story

There are lots of wonderful models for learning how to tell a story. One I particularly like is called STAR. It’s fairly fail-proof when it comes to telling an engaging story.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

How to Tell a Story

There are many ways to tell a story. Storytellers throughout the centuries have invented no shortage of archetypes. And despite the wide array of nuances and inversions in these story-types, they all build upon the same foundation: stories narrate the challenges we face, the choices we make in the face of those challenges, and what happens as a result of those choices.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

How to Change Someone’s Mind

Arguing with facts only makes us feel threatened and therefore throw up the shields and grab the spears. A well-told story, though, has a different effect.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

The Neuroscience of Story, Pt 3: Neural Coupling

When we listen to an engaging story, our brains sync up with the tellers’ in a fascinating phenomenon called “neural coupling.” It’s basically like we logged into the same WiFi and then connect our brains over BlueTooth.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

Why Stories Matter

When I was a kid, I acted out everything I saw in the movies. It presented a bit of a problem for my parents. Stories always lit up my imagination. They made me believe. And this is one of the reasons why stories are so important.

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

What Exactly is a “Story”?

A few months after I launched a live storytelling event in Nashville, a fella named Greg submitted a story proposal. The “story” essentially read like this: “I went to a conference on climate change. Here are the things I learned.” There was just one problem, though…

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Michael McRay Michael McRay

Origin Stories

The first time I got to hear my dad’s medical stories I was 13. I sat, with my feet on the floor like the “adults,” and listened as he shared two stories about encounters with patients. And they were not at all what I expected to hear.

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Storytelling Michael McRay Storytelling Michael McRay

Welcome to Long Story Short

Honestly, this is probably my fourth attempt to find my stride in the blogosphere. But this time is going to be different. Why? Because I finally have clarity. I know what I have to offer, and more importantly, I know what problem I can help you solve.

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